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minimum angle中文是什么意思

用"minimum angle"造句"minimum angle"怎么读"minimum angle" in a sentence


  • 最小角度


  • The 2 stroke book says because of testing , an 8 degree angle of divergence for the diffuser cone connected to the lead in pipe is the minimum angle to start with and 20 degrees for the compression cone at the other end of the pipe is a good starting point
  • In data processing , several data file format exported from measuring system has been analysis in detail , and some research has been made in these file - formats , and some try was made also . the decision standard of a thin and long triangle was discussed . besides the minimum angle of a triangle , there also the no - equlangularity and the ratio of radius of inscribed circle and circumcircle of a triangle
    比如利用vc6 . 0开发了程序,可以计算三角片的法矢量、三角片的一些特征信息,以及狭长三角形的判断,特别是分析了除最小角之外的两个判断标准:外接圆和内切圆半径之比值r r ,以及三角形的不等边度e ,及它们与最小角之间的一致关系。
用"minimum angle"造句  
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